Oh no! Actress caught shoplifting in New York
Things seem to be going from bad to worse for poor Amanda Bynes. Recent reports include parental concern and a spontaenous engagement,but if that's not enough, we can now add troubling CCTV footage to the mix.
The controversial 28-year-old star was caught on camera acting manically in a New York store, dancing wildly, flailing her arms and twerking against a man believed to be her driver.
A store clerk confronted Amanda and accused her of shoplifting, but luckily for her, footage of the alledged offence wasn't caught on camera and Pookie & Sebastian, the store in question, have decided not to file charges.
The saga doesnt stop there though. Amanda was accused of the same offence in Barney's, in the same twenty four hour period, and again was fortunate that the store decided not to take the situation any further.
We hope somebody steps in to help the young actress very soon.