Oh no! The European Union might BAN teens from using social media
While probably the majority of teens use social media nowadays, it all might change very soon.
The Huffington Post is reporting that the European Union is trying to (sneakily) pass a law that would require parental approval for teenagers under 16 to use social media.
The most recent draft of the European Data Protection Regulation sets the age at 13-years-old, which is consistent with laws all around the world.
However, the EU policymakers are getting set to vote to change the age to 16-years-old within the next 48 hours. Eek!
But, The Huffington Post also points out that this could have disastrous consequences, as social media is used as a help-line for many young teens.
"My friends in the suicide prevention and mental health communities tell me that social media, along with texting, is very often the way that teens reach out when they are in crisis.
"Social media services are frequently used by younger teens to seek help or just let others know about their distress.
"I have heard of numerous cases where suicides have been prevented as a result of teens reaching out, along with even more cases of teens seeking or getting help when dealing with such things as physical abuse, sexual harassment, bullying and self-harm."
Which side is going to win? And which side do you think should win?