One detail in this Hunger Games poster makes it very NSFW
The latest instalment of the hugely popular Hunger Games film series has been much anticipated.
So naturally there’s a lot of promotional work being done in the lead up to the release.
However, it looks like someone may have made a bit of a boo-boo when it came to double, or possibly even triple checking the newest poster to be released for fan consumption.
And when we say ‘bit’ of a mistake, we actually mean a huge mistake.
The spelling error could have possibly been laughed off (which we doubt), except the unique print scenario has given the poster a very NSFW rating.
Considering the rapid-fire nature of social media these days, it wasn’t long before people online caught wind of the error.
While some mistakes can be rectified, considering the amount of screenshots of this going around already, it seems like it could be too little too late. We understand, sometimes mistakes just happen. This was just one very, very unfortunate incident.
Something tells us that someone somewhere is not having such a great day at the office.