One Direction attempt to cover a 90s classic… it doesn’t go well


The One Direction boys are taking the U.S by storm on their latest tour and when they arrived on stage in Philadelphia they could think of only one way to mark the occasion.

The lads decided to perform their very own rendition of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song.

The crowd were very impressed with the performance, but one of the members was not so happy.

Niall joked with the crowd: “We didn’t think that through. We needed to rehearse it!”

After taking the lead on the 90s classic it would seem that poor Niall felt he could have given much more to their attempt at Will Smith’s somewhat iconic tune.

Apparently Harry was in agreement with him as he threw his microphone down before strutting off stage. He told the fans “it wasn’t clean,” while pretending to throw a strop.

While Harry seemed to be happy to joke about their failed cover, a separate incident on stage left him less than joyful.

His bad luck seems to be never ending as when he’s not falling down, he’s having bottles thrown at him.

A video surfaced on twitter which showed the star tanking fans for coming to their show. Just as he was walking through the middle of the crowd, someone threw something at the stage.

More fans were less than impressed with the behaviour, but this is not the first time Harry has gotten a few knocks on stage.

Earlier this year, making their first appearance without Zayn Malik, he was hit by a glowstick when one fan sent it flying into the air. An excitable bunch those Directioners… 
