Oooh! Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak could soon LEGIT exist


How cool would having an invisibility clock be?

Not that we'd be defeating dark lords or anything… but we could totally get up to loads of mischief with it. Or on the other hand, we could hide with it.

Image result for invisibility cloak harry potter  gif

Don't want to do the dishes? Invisibility cloak. Don't want your mam asking you a million questions about your new boyf? Invisibility cloak. It could work!

That's why a few Youtubers wondered if this cloak is actually possible to make in real life. And the answer? Yes… maybe.

In a video named What Would It Take To Make A True Invisibility Cloak?, scientists think that it is possible, but it'll be mighty difficult to change the way lightwaves work.

The video begins by saying: "Believe it or not, scientists are getting kind of close to making these dreams come true.

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"The key is distorting the way light bounces off an object. We're able to see things when light reaches our eyes. If we want to hide this apple, we just have to change the way that the light gets scattered off of it's surface."

It then gets super technical, which our morning brains can't handle, but still, you never know… 
