Excuse us? Fitness centre BANS women using pool ‘during periods’
An upmarket fitness centre in Georgia has come under considerable criticism after advising female members to refrain from using the swimming pool during their period.
In a move which has unsurprisingly become a discussion topic on social media, the Vake Swimming Pool and Fitness Club posted notices around the building which suggested half their members re-think their exercise schedule when Mother Nature comes a-knocking.
Stunned by the centre's decision to make a request of this nature, a member of the club posted an image of the notice on Facebook, and called the club out on their attitude towards women.
"Vake Swimming Pool And Fitness Club, do you even realize how offensive this is?" Sophie Tabatadze wrote earlier this week.
"And, by the way, since according to your rules we are not allowed to use a swimming pool 5-6 days each month, do we get a preferential price compared with men?" she asked before adding #mysogyny #mysogynyinaction.
"When you go into a public swimming pool you should accept certain level of germs. And since when are men exemplary clean creatures?" Sophie added.
Defending their decision, the club argued that the request acts as a preventative measure after their swimming pool was apparently 'contaminated' by menstrual blood.
While the Facebook post has been met with support from members of the public who have expressed disbelief at the club's decision, some social media users have sided with the club,
"It is for hygiene reasons for hell sake," wrote one. "This has nothing to do with feminism or being against women rights. Some girls have strong periods that even when they use tampax the blood leeks out." (sic)
"I am sorry but if I am swimming in the pool I do not want to see that. That is called asking for decency and it is by no means offensive," he added.
*Shakes head*