People in America are naming their children after INSTAGRAM FILTERS


When we say that the popularity of baby names are more often than not influenced by popular culture what we usually mean is that they are influenced by films, TV shows and celebrities.

We all know that the name Hermione did not become increasingly popular for no reason. 

However, what we didn't bank on was social media heavily influencing the popularity of names. 

Baby Center, a site that annually compiles trending baby names from across the US, has seen an increase in the popularity of naming children after Instagram filters. 

No, really. 

The top trending filters on the list were Lux (which was up 75% in popularity), Ludwig (up 42%) and Amaro (up 26%). 

Other filters that made the list including Reyes, Hudson and Kelvin for boys and Valencia, Juno and Willow for girls. 

Parents are also still heavily influenced by young adult fiction such as the Hunger Games and John Greene's novel the Fault in our Stars (apparently there is a tonne of little toddlers named Katniss and Hazel running around). 

Celebrity choices are also often copied. Wyatt, the cute name given to Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's baby girl went up a whopping 84% this year in popularity. 

Hmm, we still don't know how we feel about potentially having a mate named X-Pro II though… 
