Period pain, BE GONE! 5 foods to eat during your time of the month

Every woman knows the pain and discomfort that comes a-knocking once a month, but few know of the foods that can help you deal with it.

While everyone’s symptoms are different, most women will suffer from irritability, anxiety, bloating, digestive problems, craving, breast swelling, disturbed sleep, cramping and/or headaches.

But it's no biggie, right?

Wrong, we’re exhausted just listing them.

So we've put together a list of foods that you should be adding to your diet for those two or three painful days every month.

And most of these are probably already in your kitchen.

1. Avocados

Not only are avocados perfect for that Instagram post, they can also help you during the hardest part of every month.

With plant sterols that can reduce excess oestrogen in the body, avocados can help with symptoms like period weight gain, lack of energy and reduced sex drive.

2. Bananas

Bananas are full of vitamin B6 and potassium, which are both great for reducing bloating and water retention.

B6 can also help boost your mood and ease breast tenderness.

3. Fish

As well as adding a healthy dose of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, fish will provide a much needed dose of magnesium in your diet.

Magnesium can have a huge effect on symptoms such as poor sleep, cramping, bloating and headaches.

Figs and dark, leafy greens are also full of magnesium.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with calcium and vitamin D, which have been scientifically proven to reduce PMS-associated symptoms like pain, swelling, bloating and mood swings.

With probiotics to help ease digestion, this little pot can work miracles.

5. Chocolate

Unfortunately, we’re not talking your standard milk chocolate. Raw dark chocolate contains mood- and energy-boosting chemicals, as well as a whole lot of magnesium and calcium, which we’ve already boasted about.

With the growing popularity of alternative chocolates, raw dark chocolate is becoming more readily available in general supermarkets.

And if there’s a two-for-one offer on, get yourself some milk chocolate while you're at it – you deserve it.
