Pet translators could be a reality within ten years (no, really)
So, if you had could choose one super power, what would it be?
Time travel? Invisibility? The ability to speak to animals?
The last one. Obviously.
Well, according to a new Amazon report, pet translators are not only possible, they could be on the market within ten years.
Futurologist William Higham of Next Big Thing, who co-authored the report for Amazon, said: “Innovative products that succeed are based around a genuine and major consumer needs.”
“The amount of money now spent on pets – they are becoming fur babies to so many people – means there is huge consumer demand for this. Somebody is going to put this together.”
He also referred to research being carried out by Con Slobodchikoff, professor emeritus at the department of biological sciences at Northern Arizona University, who found that prairie dogs had “a sophisticated communication system that has all the aspects of language”.
“They have words for different species of predator and can describe the colour of clothes of a human, or the coat of coyotes or dogs,” Slobodchikoff says.
The author of Chasing Doctor Dolittle: Learning the Language of Animals, now believes his research could apply to other animals and is currently raising money to develop a cat and dog translation device – and we're totally behind the idea.
Just think of all the fun you and your four-legged friends could have together!