Petition to stop Yves Saint Laurent using “malnourished” models
An online petition has garnered great attention over the last month in order to stop Yves Saint Laurent depicting “malnourished” models in their campaigns.
The petition was set up by Shannon Bradley-Colleary who blogs at The Woman Formerly Known as Beautiful.
Shannon says that she was shocked to see a campaign for the French brand in Vanity Fair that featured a model who looked far too skinny for her liking.
In relation to the image, Shannon says: “I think we’ve all become accustomed to seeing women whose bodies are simply animate hangers for clothing. But even with my high tolerance for ultra-thin models this one struck me as particularly cruel.”
She goes on to say that “98% of the populace would have to starve themselves look like the model in this image”.
Her petition is aimed at the CEO of the luxury brand, Francesca Bellettini and has so far gained 46, 500 signatures with a further 3,500 to go.