Public urged to donate blood during ‘challenging’ summer months
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service has called on the public to donate blood this summer as these months can be some of the most challenging for the service.
They need at least 15,000 donors per month for the blood supply to remain at a steady level.
The service has specifically asked for people who are O positive, O negative, A positive and B negative to donate.
Operating Director of the IBTS Paul McKinney said: "The summer months are always a challenging time for blood donation – children are on holidays or doing exams, the evenings are long and fine, or there are other distractions such as the World Cup.”
He has asked people to donate before they go on their holidays.
By donating blood you can help people live happier and healthier lives. Thousands of people need blood in Ireland’s hospitals, especially those who are undergoing surgery, recovering from cancer or have been in a serious accident.
Visit www.giveblood.ie for more future clinic times/dates available.