Put your money away: Dublin Bus doesn’t want your spare change
If you've ever shot daggers at a fellow commuter for holding you up while they root through spare change in order to pay for their bus fare, you may be pleased to hear that Dublin Bus intends to go cashless over the next three to five years.
According to emerging reports this morning, the National Transport Authority plans to follow the example of other major cities in an effort to improve travel times for millions of commuters.
As it stands, 70% of commuters use Leap Cards so officials don't envision that the plans will cause any major inconvenience, but those who insist on using cash will be required to purchase their bus tickets in a retailer prior to their journey.
It is understood that fares may be higher for those who choose to use cash to pay for their commute.
Commenting on the proposal, NTA chief executive Anne Graham said: "We have 70pc of all journeys being done through Leap. This has happened in London, and it's worked."
"We would encourage more people to move to Leap, and we would like to see cashless services, where you can't pay in cash on the bus," she added.
A team within the NTA is currently assessing potential developments regarding the Leap Card service which was introduced in 2011.