Questions you need to ask before you undergo your first laser hair removal treatment
We would all love not have to wax or shave. Every. Single. Week. Which is what makes laser hair removal treatments so tempting.
However, before you book your first visit, you need to ask the beautician the following questions:
How many sessions will you need?
Obviously your budget is going to be greatly affected if you need lots of sessions. If you know from the onset how many you need you will be able to make better, more informed decisions.
Does it hurt?
If you have a low pain threshold it would be a good idea to ask the beautician if it will hurt. This way you won’t end up with only half a leg done because you can’t bear the pain.
What precautions do you need to take?
This is probably one of the most important questions to ask. If treatment is going to affect your life, for example you are going on a sun holiday soon, it might be best to wait.
How much is it?
While you might be in a rush to get started the cost of it is a huge factor, so keep this in mind. Treatments and sessions can add up if you have to undergo a number of them.