Rainbow pasta salad
Now that spring has finally sprung. Here is a delicious Italian salad recipe that is simple to make, but will keep you filled up for the rest of the day.
What you’ll need:
>450g tricolour pasta
>110g peperoni
>120g broccoli florets
>170g black olives
>220g shredded mozzarella cheese
>470ml Italian style dressing
What you’ll need to do:
- Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to the boil. Then add pasta and cook for eight to ten minutes. Drain and rinse twice in cold water.
- In a large bowel, poor in the cooked pasta and add the rest of your ingredients. Mix well and leave adding the Italian dressing till the very end.
- Then place in the fridge an hour before serving. This will ensure that your rainbow pasta salad is nice and cool, when it’s time to dig in.