Recipe: How to make delicious Northern Irish Fifteens
A Northern Irish staple! The name of these gooey treats originated from the fact that you only need fifteen of each ingredient.
Fifteens are extremely easy to make and not time consuming at all, making them an ideal recipe to rustle up for any event. Whether you decide to eat one with a cup of tea in the morning or savour one as an after-dinner snack, fifteens are perfect for an everyday delight.
Makes: 10 (approx.)
Prep time: 30 minutes max.
Cooking time: 2 hours in the fridge
15 digestive biscuits (crushed)
15 glacé cherries (halved)
15 marshmallows (halved)
200ml condensed milk
Desiccated coconut (to coat)
Crush the digestive biscuits in a food processor and pour the remnants into a large bowl.
Cut the marshmallows and cherries into halves, and add them into the bowl with the crushed digestives.
Briefly mix everything together to ensure even distribution. Then, slowly add in the condensed milk. Mix the ingredients together with a tablespoon.
Place a large sheet of baking paper onto your work surface and sprinkle a large amount of desiccated coconut onto it. Pour the bowl’s mixture onto the baking paper and mould it into a cylinder shape by using your hands.
Roll the mixture across the coconut, making sure it is coated evenly. Once finished, tightly wrap your mixture up in the baking paper and twist both ends of the paper to secure it in place.
Place your mixture in the fridge for at least two hours, to allow it to harden.
When ready, cut the mixture into even rectangles and serve.
I often double the recipe to ensure that I make enough to satisfy everyone in my house. Trust me, they will be eaten up quickly!
If you find that you have made too many, you can put some of your batch in a resealable bag and place them in the freezer.
You can transform this into a gluten-free recipe by using gluten-free digestive biscuits.
Feature photo credit: @jillbakes_ Instagram