Rejoice! Wine could actually make you live longer (science says so)
Grab the glasses and start pouring, because new research has found that a glass (or two) of wine a night could actually lengthen your life – yes, really.
A recent US study has found that indulging in a little evening tipple could reduce your risk of certain illnesses by up to 25 per cent.
Researchers at the American College of Cardiology examined the alcohol consumption of 333,247 participants over a 12 year period.
The subjects were then broken down into three groups; 'light drinkers' (less than three drinks a week), 'moderate drinkers' (between three and 14) and 'heavy drinkers' (more than 14).
The results showed that those who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol had a decreased likelihood of early death and their risk of developing cardiovascular disease was greatly reduced.
However, researchers were quick to point out the detrimental effects that heavy drinking can have on a person's health over time.
So, while you don't need to feel bad about that glass of vino with your dinner tonight, moderation is key.