Rosanna Davison’s married name is eh, quirky!
Rosanna Davison says that her husband Wes Quirke really wants her to take his name, but she's not going to, well, not really.
When asked about whether or not she's changing her name, the model replied: "It's Quirkeson."
Eh, as in a mash up of Quirke and Davison?!
Thankfully, we're 99% sure she was joking – phew!
While she's not changing her name officially, she has added in her husband's name on Facebook: "He’d love me to change my name but I’ve changed it on Facebook and that’s as far as I’m going."
Rosanna says that changing her name is too much hassle:
“Things like your passport, your credit cards, driver’s licence all say your maiden name."
We can see her point. Plus, when you've built a reputation on your maiden name, it doesn't make sense to change it.
We're just glad she's not Rosanna Quirkeson!