Round 2: 15 MORE things you’ll know if Leixlip is your hometown
So, last week we brought you a list of things you'll definitely know if you grew up in Leixlip – a town known for its Guinness, technology companies and bizarre smells.
But it turns out we only scratched the surface when it comes to the various memories kids of the 90s and noughties associate with the Kildare town.
And we're nothing if not thorough here at SHEmazing, so without further ado, let's take a look at some more…
1. The Hitcher
Also known as the place that needs no introduction…
Your formative years were spent downing Fat Frogs in the Hitcher before you eventually graduated to the Ozone, and while it's now a Lidl, that doesn't mean time has dulled your memories.
"Look at the bread section there. Isn't that where you puked on yourself back in 2003?"
2. Tuthills
If you wanted to blow your pocket money on water guns, miniature tennis rackets and sticker books, Tuthills was your ONLY man.
It was also a handy spot when your dad gave you a fiver to get your mam a last-minute present for Mother's Day.
"Go in there and get her something. A candle and a scratch card, you'll be laughing."
3. Ryevale Forest
Located in the middle of the estate, the woods were generally out of bounds until a certain age when it then became the only place to go.
If the siphoning of alcohol, the changing hands of bangers or the shifting of classmates was going down, it was going down in the forest.
"He's over at that tree, just past the 30 flattened Dutch Gold cans, you can't miss him."
4. The new estates
At the end of the 90s, new estates started popping up in the town, and it felt like you were losing every mate you had to neighbourhoods with names like Cyber Plains.
The construction on these new estates, however, meant that weekends could be spent playing on muckhills and ruining every item of clothing you had.
"OK, so we just need to hop that digger and slide face-first down that muckhill, and we'll have our own spot, yeah?"
5. The introduction of the Green Lane bus route
The introduction of a new Dublin Bus route in Leixlip took some serious getting used to.
Those returning from abroad had to be given time to digest the news before any family updates were provided.
"Hold on, did I just see a BUS booting it up the Green Lane?!"
6. The smell in Coláiste Chiaráin
The town's secondary school had a distinct, but not unpleasant smell – something you obviously noticed less and less once you became a pupil there.
But if you stepped foot inside while still rocking a primary school uniform, you were often struck by that 'Coláiste' scent.
"Holy Jaysus. Do they have a drinks machine in their hall?!
7. Community Games
Competing in the Community Games in the Amenities was a rite of passage, and one which the uber-sporty kids absolutely relished.
The rest of us were there for the snacks.
"Did you man just blow a kiss on his second lap? D*ck."
8. The division in Our Lady's Nativity
There was a Castletown side, a Ryevale side, a latecomer's main section and the gallery.
People stuck to their sides, and all was well… until it wasn't.
"Is that an actual Hiller sitting in the gallery? They don't have their own church, no?"
9. The school hall debate
If you attended either Scoil Mhuire or Scoil Bhride, chances are you engaged in at least one debate regarding ownership over the shared hall.
Scoil Bhride claimed it because they had the stage, Scoil Mhuire claimed it because they had the equipment cupboard, and Scoil Eoin Phoil laughed cos they had a WHOPPER hall… all to themselves.
"I don't care who owns it as long as we get the parachute this afternoon."
10. The creation of the fountain
There was a time when Leixlip village didn't boast a bare-chested lady above a fountain, but then she arrived, and quickly became a meet-up spot after the Ozone.
If you became separated from your mates, you generally found yourself drunkenly hoofing into a kebab at the side of the fountain while silently hoping someone would find you.
"I'm at the fountain! Come get me!"
11. Ronan Keating in Supervalu
There was a time when Ronan Keating made regular appearances in Super Valu in Barnhall… probably because he lived in the area.
That didn't stop most of us loitering around the shops waiting for him to rock up just to gawp at him.
"I was in there buying my chicken wings and potato wedges and he was RIGHT BESIDE ME."
12. The 'yellow' house
Your local history lesson taught you that the property by the bridge in the village was known as Glebe House.
Your street smarts told you that there was much more to that place than meets the eye, and damn it, you were going to find out what.
"Tenner bets you won't go knock on the door."
13. Pub grub in Darkie Moores
Atfer a night in the Ozone, it was highly likely you’d find you way back down the village for pub grub before round 2.
And this is when you realised that being served carvery by the same bartender you made a t*t of yourself in front of is absolute zero craic.
"Eh…yeah… can I've an extra roast potato there?"
14. When Coláiste Chiaráin introduced the new uniforms
The introduction of the new uniforms in Coláiste Chiaráin was something to actually talk about.
While generations before us rocked a sombre grey and navy, the kids of the late 90s and early noughties were the first to kick it in kilts.
"My ginormous safety pin just stabbed me in the leg, so I'm not coming back after lunch."
15. Scout's Den
Ostensibly used for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts among us, the building took on a whole new vibe at night time.
Loitering in the vicinity on Halloween was considered a top-notch way to spend your evening as a 14-year-old…. until you got scared and had to hide it from your mates.
"So, is anyone else bored?"