Run amok! Hacks to actually make your jogging routine FUN
Ah running. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of your lungs burning and your entire body shaking when you realise you have made a terrible mistake and you should never have attempted this charity 5K.
And that’s only how it feels putting on your running shoes.
Lucky for you, we found a couple of clever running hacks that will make it easier. We’re not promising you’ll become Sonia O’Sullivan overnight, but hopefully this can help you give it a go. You could become one of those people who gets up to run with the sunrise because you think it's fun.
Make your snacks for pre and post running delicious.
Especially if you’re running first thing in the morning (you hero). Avoid mushy sandwiches and pre-packaged health bars by looking to real healthy individuals ideas. Buzzfeed asked real healthy people what they eat if you need some inspiration. Go for high-carb, low-fiber and low-fat snacks before you run.
Get a proper sports bra
It can make all the difference. Consider the different types and go ask the professionals about this, it could turn your morning jog into a world record attempt, you never know.
Banish shin splints
These can feel like actual death. Runners World have compiled some easy exercises you can do every day to strengthen your calves and ankles if you suffer from shin splints.
Sign up for a fun running event
Colour runs are having a bit of moment in the last year or so. Fancy dress may not seem like ideal running gear but they do say time flies when you’re having fun. Any race that’s going to be playing music en route is a sure winner.
Invest in some trendy running gear
Make sure your headband game is on point. They work for both keeping your hair and sweat out of your face and also they’re hilarious and fun. You can also get some temporary body art to keep your motivation up while mid-run. Try these to make you feel like an actual cheetah and never give up.
Slow down
No need to tackle 13 miles your first time out. Break up some distances with brisk walking to help build up stamina. Try the Galloway method or make up you own by working with some of your favourite songs, walk for the verse then run for the chorus and so on.
Stop stretching before you run
According to studies it won't make a difference. Google dynamic stretches instead if you need a good warm up before you run.