Ryan Libbey speaks out about fiancée Louise’s hospitalisation
Ryan Libbey has spoken out about his fiancée Louise Thompson’s health condition and recent hospitalisation.
Earlier this month, Louise had to cut a family holiday in Antigua short after she suffered a flare up of her ulcerative colitis and ended up “losing cupfulls of blood”.
After returning to the UK for medical treatment, Louise spent over two weeks in hospital and underwent surgery.
Now, Ryan has broken his social media silence to open up about his wife-to-be’s health and admitted he ‘feels somewhat responsible’ for not making Louise seek medical help sooner.
Taking to Instagram, the former Made in Chelsea star shared a beach snap of him giving Louise a kiss on the cheek.
He captioned the post, “I haven’t posted in over a month. Here’s why… In all honesty, i have no idea where to even begin with this post. There’s a thousand things rattling around in my head and plenty of emotions weighing heavy on my heart”.
“As much as I want to offer full transparency to you, with the situation we are in now, my preferred option is to be as positive as I can be and thankful for what we do have. And what we do have is Louise back at home, after 16 days in hospital”.
The dad-of-one continued, “The reality is that Louise was very unwell, arguably has been for some time. Suffering with a condition called Ulcerative Colitis, going through periods of remission and flare ups throughout our 7 year relationship together”.
“I feel somewhat responsible for not paying more attention to her symptoms and maybe forcing her hand with seeking medical help sooner”.
Ryan went on to reveal, “In true Louise spirit, she has trucked on with life, offering so much love and happiness to everyone around her, not wanting to put anyone out and prioritising everyones happiness and enjoyment over hers, but meanwhile suffering inside so badly with this condition”.
Libbey then described his partner as “the most humble, most resilient, most caring person” he’s met, explaining that she “doesn’t deserve even an ounce of what she’s been through over the past few years”.
“In situations like this, it is heartbreaking knowing that you cant take the pain away for your loved ones, or trade places. Believe me there have been many times when I have wished that I could be the one in hospital and not her”.
“All I can do is look after her and Leo to the best of my ability and that is a promise I have made to them and myself”.
The former reality star added, “January 2024 didn’t go to plan. We had to cut our family holiday in Antigua short by a week and take an emergency flight home”.
“The morning we landed Louise went straight into A&E. Little did we know at this stage that she would face weeks in hospital recovering from major surgery”.
Ryan closed off by admitting he hopes the photo of him and Louise ‘brightens up everyone’s day’ and thanked fans for their supportive messages.