Ryan Reynolds gets PLAYED by Hugh Jackman & Jake Gyllenhaal
The silly season is well underway.
Getting into the festive mood, Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal decided to prank Ryan Reynolds.
The two lads told Ryan that their Christmas party had a dress code – i.e. stick on the Crimbo jumpers.
Of course, the actor turned up to the celebration with a stunning present jumper.
To his delight, he arrived with Jake and Hugh laughing at him.
The pictures are absolute gold and Ryan captioned the photos: "These f*cking assholes said it was a sweater party."
Hugh and Jake look chuffed with themselves.
Fans will know that this latest prank is just one in a series of jokes the boys play on each other.
Ryan and Hugh have been messing with each other for years.
We just get to enjoy the fall out of their trolling.