Say it ain’t so! Your cat could be the cause of you having bad PMS
Periods are crap. Between break-outs, bad moods and general dishevelment, it's fair to say that women go through the motions (and notions) during their time of the month.
But for some women, PMS symptoms can be crippling. While some scientists put bad PMS down to genetics, others are looking at a different cause, and we don't like it.
Apparently, researchers believe that extreme PMS could be caused by a parasite that's commonly found in cats. *Sob*
The Daily Mail reports that an organism called toxoplasmosis, can be picked up while changing cat litter and it has also been linked to a number of other issues, including anxiety and aggression in humans.
Scientists from Juarez University of Durango State in Mexico studied over 150 women, taking blood samples to see if they could find the toxoplasma parasite in their system.
At the end of the testing, they found that women infected with the parasite were nine times more likely to report feeling "out of control" just before their period was due.
However, the study published in the journal Clinical Medical Research did admit that this study was small and more research need to be conducted to confirm the findings.
"The results of this first study of its kind suggest toxoplasma gondii infection might be linked to some symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder," they said.