Scarlett Moffatt explains the impact anxiety has on her daily life
Some viewers know her as the witty and personable 'Scarlett off Gogglebox' while others know her as the fearless winner of I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here.
But what many of us don't know of is the internal dialogue Scarlett is forced to battle against on a daily basis in order to live a normal life.
Like many people who live with anxiety, 27-year-old Scarlett is able to identify the trigger which acted as a catalyst for her most recent episode.
Speaking to The Mirror, she said: "Recently my anxiety has been really bad, especially after seeing those acid attacks on the news."
"In In my head I was going to be an acid attack victim. It sounds bizarre, because the chances of that happening are so small, but that’s how my brain works."
Giving the public an insight into the lived experience of someone with anxiety, Scarlett explained what it felt like to endure a panic attack.
Recalling her first one which coincided with her foray into the world of television in 2014, she said: "I got to the front door and convinced myself something was going to go wrong."
"I had palpitations and I could feel the blood rushing round my body. It felt almost like I was having an out-of-body experience. Everything seemed to go silent."
Elaborating on these experiences, Scarlett, who was the victim of bullying as a child, explained the physiological implications.
"Sometimes I would pass out. I would know if that was happening because I would get tingly fingers, so I would lie down on the floor," she continued.
The reality TV star explained that her condition often meant she was unable to simply leave the house.
"It became a daily struggle. I would get to my front door, cry, then go back and try to pump myself up again. Sometimes I got out the door after nine or 10 goes. Sometimes I stayed inside all day."
We applaud Scarlett for being so vocal with regards her struggle.