Scientists claim 60 minutes of running adds 7 hours to your life
At this stage, there are very, very few among us who don't know the benefits of breaking a sweat on the regular.
And while you may look, feel and sleep better by incorporating an exercise regime into your life, did you know that some forms of cardio can actually increase your life span?
According to scientists at Iowa State University, 60 minutes of running ultimately provides you with an extra seven hours of life.
Developing on a study which established that 10 minutes of running a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, Duck-chul Lee, a professor of kinesiology at Iowa State, focussed further on the benefits of the exercise.
Data published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology indicated that running decreased the risk of premature death by 40 per cent, and that the activity in itself increases a person's life span.
But how did researchers arrive at a figure of seven hours per 60 minute-run?
According to The New York Times, two hours of training per week translated into less than six months of your life, and ultimately increase your life expectancy by almost three years.
Simply put, runners – in comparison to non-runners – tended to live three years longer no matter their pace, their weight or their smoking habits.
Not too shabby.