Selena Gomez looks FLAWLESS in new totally UNTOUCHED picture
If there’s one thing the Internet can’t stand it’s airbrushing, so you can imagine how much online hate stars like Selena Gomez get when they share their picture perfect selfies.
But a new Instagram post by Selena’s makeup artist Hung Vanngo has silenced her critics as it shows the star’s picture before and after it was retouched and, naturally enough, Selena looks totally flawless in both.
In the caption Hung wrote: “Instagram photo 101. Here is an unedited & edited versions of an Instagram photo.”
He then used the hashtags “#brightness #contrast #warm #saturation #color #vignette #sharped…#TheSkyIsTheLimit #NowTheHatersCanChill” before finishing the post with a cheeky “Enjoy!”.
The only obvious difference between the two photos is that one is much brighter than the other proving that Selena’s hair, makeup and skin really are as perfect as they seem to be.