Senator calls for bikes to be allowed on Luas at off-peak times


If you're a cyclist in Dublin City, you may have come across the small issue of not being able to bring your bike on the Luas. 

If you have a super long commute and want to bike to a Luas stop and tram the rest of the way, there are stations at which you can secure your bike.

But nothing strikes fear into the hearts of men quite like leaving your bicycle unattended in Dublin, never mind then getting the Luas miles away from it. 

Paranoia ensues, and there is a major fear that when you return to the Bike & Ride, you will be met with a skeleton of your beloved bike, or worse, no bike at all. 

Fold up bikes are permitted on board, but we would need a small loan of one million dollars to afford one, so that option is out. 

Dublin Senator Neale Richmond is calling for the Luas line to be opened up to cyclists at off-peak times. 

'I am requesting something very doable here,' he told Dublin Live. 

'Other tram services across Europe have limited access to two bikes per service and this is a reasonable compromise.'

'This is the international norm where cities such as Edinburgh, Bordeaux and London allow their metro and tram systems to accommodate cyclists.'

'If Transdev cannot accommodate any bike carriages even during off-peak services then it is clear we have a larger problem of capacity on our Luas services,' he said.

This could be seriously helpful for those who have to get the bus and the Luas to get to work every day. 
