Seven things that women with rock hard abs do every single day

We all know amazing abs are easier to envy than actually achieve – and it's no secret that rock hard abs take a LOT of work.

But some women have it down to a fine art and these seven things are what they do everyday to keep their tummy toned:

1. They try new things

Your body adapts to new things quickly so it's important to change up your routine to achieve the best results.


2. They set realistic goals

Instead of going to the gym and only thinking about your abs; go thinking about getting an extra 10 seconds in your plank or lasting an extra five minutes running.


3. They use gym time wisely

If you don't have all day to be in the gym, think about what workouts are more efficient and what will help your body gain more in less time.


4. They opt for lean meats and smart carbs

Choose lean meats like chicken and fish, as well as sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, and whole-grain breads to include in your everyday diet.


5. They cheat – but only every now and then

It's OK to have a day off and eay a large Dominos – you're only human after all. But make sure that your cheat day is only ONE day.


6. They do planks instead of sit-ups

Planks are more effective for targeting your core than a classic sit-up and are proven to engage more of your abdominal muscles.


7. They do cardio

There's really no way around it if you want amazing abs.
