Sex life flagging? THIS is the key to fanning those flames of passion
Forget scented candles, sexy lingerie and Barry White's back catalogue because when it comes to the no-pants-dance, it sounds like most of us have been going about it the wrong way – not literally, but you know what we mean.
According to sexperts at the University of Utah, couples who rolls up their sleeves and don the Marigolds together have a better sex life than the rest of us who spend hours perfecting the classic yawn and stretch on Date Night.
It seems a division of labour when it comes to household chores is the perfect aphrodisiac, with research showing that couples who share chores have sex, on average, 6.8 times a month in comparison to five times a month for couples who don't.
"Contemporary couples who adhere to a more egalitarian division of labor are the only couples who have experienced an increase in sexual frequency compared to their counterparts of the past," Cornell University's Sharon Sassler said.
Commenting on the study's findings, she continued: "Other groups – including those where the woman does the bulk of the housework – have experienced declines in sexual frequency."
"This finding is particularly notable given reports indicating that sexual frequency has generally declined worldwide over the past few decades," she added.
Now, this is research we can definitely get on board with.