Shocking! 7 celeb photoshop FAILS you simply need to see to believe


By now, most of us have resigned ourselves to the fact that the majority of fashion magazines heavily Photoshop their covers and photo shoots. 

Heck, even celebrities are photoshopping personal photos just to put them on Instagram. 

And with apps such as Facetune, absolutely anyone can a achieve a flawless selfie. 

However, some of these photoshopped pics are too ridiculous to be believed. 

1) Lena Dunham 

When Lena's gorgeous Vogue cover and shoot was released, everyone thought it was gorgeous. 

That was until Jezebel got hold of the untouched edits and released the images side by side pointing out every single change made to poor Lena. 

And there was a lot. 

2) Jennifer Lawrence 

Poor Jennifer Lawrence has had the life photoshopped out of her gorgeous figure in these two scandalous magazine shoots. 

3) Kate Winslet 

Kate is a gorgeous woman, but not even a new born baby has skin like this. 

4) Kim Kardashian 

Kim K already looks flawless simply going about her day to day life but even she is not free from the photo editing trolls. 

5) Lady Gaga

Vogue photoshopped Lady Gaga into a totally unrealistic body shape. 

6) Britney Spears 

The Queen of Pop has suffered too. 

7) Keira Knightley 

This promotional picture of Keira for the film King Arthur properly gave her a boob job. 
