Singer is suing her producer for sexual abuse and battery
Kesha is suing her former producer over a number of serious allegations.
The singer is taking a case against her mentor, known as Dr. Luke, for charges of sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender violence, civil harassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
She claims the famed producer had been abusive towards her since she signed with him almost ten years ago. On one particular occasion, she recalls taking what Dr. Luke referred to as "sober pills," before waking up naked in his bed "sore and sick with no memory of how she got there."
The report goes on to say that after the incident, the music mogul "threatened that if [Kesha] ever mentioned the rape to anyone, he would shut her career down, take away all her publishing and recording rights, and otherwise destroy not only her life but her entire family’s lives as well. He also threatened her and her family’s physical safety."
Dr. Luke denies all allegations, which also refer to a number of occasions when he verbally attacked Kesha's weight, calling her a "fat f**king refrigerator." The star entered rehab earlier this year for an eating disorder – something she claims was directly related to her producer's repeated negative comments about her appearance.
The singer also says she feared for her safety around Dr. Luke – citing one incident when she escaped his Malibu home and ran barefoot down a motorway to hide from him, after he began acting violently toward her.
The controversy began last year, when fans began petitioning for Kesha to be released from Dr. Luke's "evil grasp," claiming he was stifling her creativity.
The producer has filed a counter-case, saying the allegations are all lies created by Kesha's new management firm and her mother Pebe Sebert.
He also states that Kesha threatened him with the lawsuit months ago in the hope that she would be released from her exclusive contract with his company.