Six signs summer has FINALLY arrived in Ireland
Every year without fail, you're going to be witness to one, if not all of the following Irish spectacles. We do love the sun, and it's not exactly an every day occurrence on our little island.
Needless to say once we get even the slightest notion that the summer sun is finally upon us we can go just a little bit over board.
Here's a list of the six signs summer has finally arrived:
1. Any excuse for an ice cream
Let’s be honest, even if the days are longer we all know that doesn’t mean those hours are any warmer than November. So with the temperatures likely to take a nose dive at any second, the minute the sun appears from behind the clouds, the line at your local shop is going to be out the door with people wanting to get their hands on the famous 99 cone.
2. That summer glow
You can’t blame us for getting over excited when people start mentioning double figure temperatures for the weekend. Between festivals and BBQs there’s always going to be one poor soul shuffling into the office Monday morning feeling a little warm after their outdoor excursions. When will we ever learn….
3. Festival photos everywhere
Logging onto Facebook during the summer months means you’re highly likely to be exposed to unending status updates and rain soaked selfies of your friends huddled in muddy fields having the best banter at any one of Ireland’s many, many music festivals. Ponchos are going to be on trend, get yours before it’s too late (and your hair is still half-way decent)!
4. The exam heat wave (still waiting)
Every year without fail, the first week of June is promised to be a scorcher. Of course we all want everyone to pass their exams with flying colours, but mostly we tend to be looking for any excuse to get our shorts out for the sunshine while the nation’s teens are being kept busy.
5. The summer body preparations
While we’re all for staying fit and healthy, this phrase is going to be heard loud and clear around the country. As the realisation that the time has almost come to bare our sun deprived bods on beaches all over the world sinks in, the challenge is on to feel our best in our new bikinis.
6. The packing struggle is real
And you thought summer holidays were all about being your most relaxed self, yes? No. It could be because our climate is known for being unreliable, and we live in fear of being caught without a brolly, but packing for our holidays is totally stressful.
Don’t even mention the added pressure of budget airlines and their luggage restrictions!