Small steps to make these uncertain times a little easier
One thing’s for certain: The next few weeks are going to be a little uncertain.
We are used to having our lives run smoothly, making plans that materialise, writing lists that get checked off neatly. The current pandemic is going to change this and there is no real way to prepare. However, there are some teeny tiny steps you can take, to try and make the future a little less unpredictable.
Teach your granny how to video-chat
Not just your granny, but anyone elderly you know who could benefit from the ability to video call, during a period of isolation. If you want to avoid visiting them, call them and give them a step-by-step tutorial on how to video call over WhatsApp (we reckon this is the easiest app for video chatting). Though a lot of older people are tech-savvy, many are not which could make isolation even more lonely over the next while. Teaching them this easy skill will make the next while that little bit easier.
Make a no-conflict pact
Families will be in close quarters over the next few weeks. Though we love our respective kin, cabin fever will most definitely be a thing. Consider having a sit-down to chat about avoiding aggression and conflict at this difficult time. Choose to stop arguments before they get out of hand. Maybe pick a word, a mantra or an action to use when things are escalating. Deep breaths are good, but things like humour and song can also work a treat when it comes to diffusing conflict. Remember, this whole thing will be so much easier without a family feud thrown into the mix.
Plan to get creative
Actor and universal treasure Carrie Fisher once said; ‘Take your broken heart and turn it into art’. Creativity will be the saving grace in this situation. No matter who you are or what you’re going through, painting, music, cooking, dance or any art-form you can think of will help. Try to do something creative every day. You could even think of a project like painting a wall or piece of furniture while you are cooped up. The buzz we get when exercising creativity is an incredible drug for stress. Though trying new recipes or learning a new dance won’t cure the virus, it will certainly bring up your mood at this uncertain time.
Learn how to schedule your day at home
Whether you are working from home, studying in a house full of siblings or looking after little ones, planning for the day and night before will help. Trust yourself. If you work best setting alarms and sticking to a stringent plan, go with that. If a rough list of tasks suits you best, get on that. Having some sort of structure to your day might make up for the lack of structure we are all experiencing at the moment.
Make a no phone zone at home
At the moment, we are glued to our phones. We constantly update our feeds and check group chat for news or advice. Eventually, this obsessive checking will take its toll. Unplugging for an hour or two each day could keep us a little more grounded. Whether you want a choose a remote room or tech-less time slot, a daily device-detox will definitely benefit us all.