Snap happy: Instagram has rolled out a pretty nifty new album feature
When Instagram introduced the new albums feature, which allows you to upload multiple pictures at once in a carousel, we were pretty delighted.
Now our Insta followers can be subjected to up to 10 of our selfies at once, mwuhahaha.
However, people soon became irritated that pictures which do not fit into the regular insta picture frame could not be made portrait or landscape, like they can when just uploading one image.
Instagram clearly took note, as the social platform has installed a new feature which allows the images to take these forms.
However, there is a bit of a catch.
All of the shots in the album have to have the same format, so they have to all be square, all be portrait or all be landscape.
You're not able to mix and match different image formats in the one album.
At least it's a step in the right direction, right?
Install your Insta update to check it out for yourself.