Apparently a more intense orgasm is just one INJECTION away, ladies
It's no secret that men have a much easier time reaching orgasm than women do.
While we do indeed have the capacity to enjoy multiple orgasms, that doesn't mean we always get to. (Sigh.)
And that's apparently where the Orgasm Shot comes in.
According to The Independent, Harley Street clinician, Dr Sharif Wakil, is keen to give patients the kickstart they might need in the bedroom with the help of the O-Shot.
Invented by Dr Charles Runels, the O-Shot claims to increase sexual arousal and can 'rejuvenate a woman's vagina' as long as you're willing to shell out £1,000 for the 40-minute procedure, that is.
After producing Platelet Rich Plasma from platelets containing the patient’s own blood, the clinician injects the substance into various areas of the vagina in order to ensure a more pleasurable sex life.
According to Dr Wakil, patients have reported stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication and greater arousal, but stresses that it shouldn't be considered a miracle cure.
Speaking to The Independent, he highlights the various factors which may reduce the outcome of the treatment.
"The results in general of the o shot varies, I always explain to my patients, it depends on where we are at the starting point, for example, their age, if they have medical conditions or whether they have hormonal problems," he explains.
"This is a part of the female body that sees a lot of changes through life: from delivery, menopause, hormonal changes, and aging. So we have to expect some reduction in sensation at least for some but we should not treat this is as an abnormality."
Insistent that women shouldn't ignore issues relating to female sexual disfunction, Dr Wakil reasons that the repercussions are far-reaching.
"The abnormality is not seeking help because of a stigma, in my opinion, ignoring female sexual dysfunction with the negative effects it could have on the female life, family, socially and work for example is one form of female abuse."
Having carried out more than 2,000 procedures, Dr Wakil confirms he has never seen any side effects of the injection.