So Brian McFadden had THIS to say about Westlife regrets
When Brian McFadden did the Zayn Malik of boybands back in 2004, he broke the hearts of teenage girls the length and breadth of Ireland, not to mention worldwide.
And now it seems the singer is in some way regretting his decision to leave the five-piece act, but not for the love of the guys, the adoration of the girls, the stadium concerts or that incredible moment where they all stood up off their stools at the key change. *Swoon.*
No, Brian's regret stems from the fact he thinks he would have had a bit more jingle in his pocket had he soldiered on with the boys.
Opening up about his decision, Brian said: "Sometimes I think if I'd stayed another 10 years, I would have made a lot more money, but that would be the only reason for any regret."
Well, that's us told then.
Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph, the dad-of-two admits that while he might have had more money, he was no longer happy in the band, saying: "Leaving and going to Australia, where Westlife hadn't been successful, gave me a chance to breathe, take a step back from my world and look at it from the outside."
Now cast your mind back to the moment Brian said goodbye to the 'y' in his name… *sob*