So, everyone is talking about Ticketmaster, and they are RAGING
In case you missed it, tickets for Coldplay's Croke Park gig went on sale yesterday morning, and despite queuing, refreshing, sweating and praying, countless fans emerged from their mission empty-handed.
And if Twitter is anything to go by, disgruntled fans know exactly who they want to blame.
Venting fury at Ticketmaster, members of the public have accused the outlet of providing their sister company with tickets which were ultimately sold at a higher price – an accusation which the company have denied.
Between the gig selling out in under forty minutes and tickets going for re-sale soon after, Twitter is not happy.
Shame on you all #Ticketmaster picking the pockets of music fans. Your business practices are immortal and unethical.
— Maurice Downing (@moedowning) October 8, 2016
@ticketmasterire #coldplay #ticketmaster you guys would make Pat Hickey blush with your blatant profiteering. Shame on you.
— Dom Gradwell (@dom_gradwell) October 7, 2016
#Ticketmaster why do you allow ticket touts to resell tickets on your site at extortionate prices? Real fans missing out#ColdplayDublin
— Joanne Brown (@tweetjoanneb) October 7, 2016
When you try your best… but you don't succeed. When you can't have what u want.. because of greed #ticketmaster #ColdplayDublin
— Annie Quinn (@misssassy6) October 7, 2016
People really should just boycott #Ticketmaster scandalous carry on #Coldplay
— Valerie Lowth (@Val_Lowth) October 7, 2016
Anyone know an email to email Ticketmaster on? Yes I'm going to be that asshole who complains but I've reason to. @TicketmasterIre
— Darinaaaaaaaaaa (@DarinaBurnell) October 7, 2016
#Coldplay can't add a 2nd #Dublin date yet, it's not sold out because #Ticketmaster #Seatwave are holding 1000s of #tickets! #scam
— Darren Farrelly (@dazfazz) October 7, 2016
"When you try your best but you don't succeed……" #Ticketmaster letting down the country again #Coldplay #Dublin
— Darinaaaaaaaaaa (@DarinaBurnell) October 7, 2016