So, fried chicken is the way to our hearts and we’re ALL for it
Fried chicken is basically one of the best comfort foods there is out there.
Our tastebuds are just tingling thinking about it.
And it turns out, the delish cripsy-ness is the way to our hearts too.
Confused? So we were, but there's a pretty legit explanation for the findings.
A new dating app in the US, Hinge, surveyed 8,000 users and asked what kind of first date would lead to a second.
Of course, the most popular first date is going out for drinks, with 37 per cent saying it would lead to a second date.
However, 24 per cent claimed that if the date included fried chicken, they would definitely be up for a round two.
Trip to KFC, anyone? You might find the love of your life there.