So, Leo DiCaprio had a private meeting with the POPE this week
We reckon 2016 could be Leonardo DiCaprio's year for the long-awaited Oscar win, now that he has the Pope putting in a good word for him with the man upstairs.
Okay, it's highly unlikely that the actor discussed his chances at the Academy Awards with Pope Francis when the pair met this week, but still, we can dream.
Leonardo had a 15-minute private audience with His Holiness at The Vatican yesterday, during which the pair reportedly chatted about environmental issues – and 15th century painters.
Turns out little Leo was a cultural know-it-all from an early age, as he revealed when giving the Pope a book of paintings by renowned Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch.
Pointing to Bosch's famous Garden Of Earthly Delights, Leo explained that it was "hanging over my crib as a young boy," and that nowadays it still inspires him.
Leo even brushed up on his Italian for the big meeting, thanking the Pope in Italy's native tongue. Of course, he may well already have had a few words in italiano, as the actor's father hails from Naples.
Meanwhile, Leo's latest film The Revenant has been doing a killing at the box office, taking in a whopping €200m in its first week.
And with a blessing from the Pope, we're sure there's more good luck to come.