So, THIS is the reason Dermot had Twitter thirsty AF at the weekend
Ever since he began hosting Big Brother's Little Brother way back when, we've had a thing for Dermot O'Leary.
And after graduating from the reality show's spin-off programme, he came to further prominence as the host one of the biggest shows on the box – The X Factor.
So when he turned his back on the show last year, viewers were left distraught wondering if he'd ever make an reappearance.
Thankfully for Dermot die-hards, the 43-year-old did, and he gave everyone a right ol' treat in the process… well, that's if Twitter is anything to go by, that is.
While rocking a pair of fitted cream trousers during this weekend's episode of the singing contest, the presenter grabbed the attention of viewers who wasted no time sharing their thoughts on Twitter.
Jeez guys, contain yourselves.
Anyone see Dermot O'Leary's 'package' at the start of the X factor #xfactor #dermotoleary #itv #bulge
— ★Christina★ (@xvioletsparkles) September 18, 2016
excuse me but Dermot O'Leary's bulge in them white pants is cheering me right up
— laura (@_jockkers) September 18, 2016
Dermot and those tight cream pants sweet baby Jesus#XFactor
— Jess Loftus (@jfl22) September 18, 2016
What's dermot got in his pants ??? #XFactor2016
— Treefrog (@Treefrogdj) September 18, 2016