So, Uncle Gaybo is defo NOT happy with this Late Late Show rumour
If anyone has the right to weigh in on a discussion surrounding The Late Late Show , it's the man who brought it to our screens in 1962 and fronted it for the next 37 years, right?
And it doesn't sound like veteran broadcaster, Gay Byrne, is at all happy with talk that the long-running RTÉ show is due a major revamp
Despite ratings being at an all-time low given the rising popularity of RTÉ player, Gay insists it' should be the last thing on the mind of new director general, Dee Forbes.
"I can tell you there would be a lot more important matters on the plate of an incoming RTÉ director general than sorting out The Late Late Show."
"I would be a rich man if I had a penny for every time somebody announced The Late Late Show was on the way out, or in trouble, or going down the plughole," he added.
Reminding those who have recently slammed the quality of the show that little can be done to overhaul its standard template, 81-year-old Gay insisted: "How could RTE revamp a chat show?"
"A chat show is a chat show. It does what it says on the tin," he blasted. "The idea of revamping The Late Late Show is plain ridiculous."
Look, if Uncle Gaybo says it's graaand, then it's graaand.
Feat image: RTÉ