So you want really fabulouso hair? Then you really need CARBS!
In the last few years people have developed a love/hate relationship with carbs.
While some have abandoned them completely and get misty eyed at the mere mention of carbonara, others will proceed to tell you all about how great their life is now without them.
But did you know your locks might actually need carbs in order to unlock their most fabulous potential. Say what? Yes, it’s true.
Carbs are a source of energy that your body needs. Your hair cells grow rapidly, even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, so they need carbohydrates are necessary to promote growth and repair in the cells there.
According to Charlotte’s Book lacking carbs makes you tired, and your hair can start to feel the same way.
You can’t dismiss all carbs as being the same. Complex carbohydrates release energy slowly so you don’t get a sugar high associated with say, a full slice pan of white bread.
Carbs that promote healthy cells and hair growth are things like brown rice, grains and whole-grain breads. Complex carbs are also full of fibre and other vitamins you need for a healthy diet anyway, so this is just a fabulous hair bonus.
Timing is also everything. Just like with all eating routines, if you go hours and hours without snacking your blood sugar drops. Not only will you be battling the struggles of the hangry person, but your hair will be challenged too.
This means that the cells receive less energy, so growth and repair takes longer, or may not take place at all. Start stocking up on some healthy complex carbohydrate snacks and let your hair live it’s best life.