Social media stars were out in force for the Coca-Cola Real Magic Christmas Experience launch
The Coca-Cola Real Magic Christmas Experience launch took place Wednesday 7th of December at the RDS, Dublin and always, it was the Christmas event of the year. Coca-Cola is sharing the Christmas magic to bring friends and family together at the festival, free of charge.

The event kicked off the Christmas Experience with some real magic, giving guests a first look at what exciting things will take place at stops in Dublin and Belfast this year.

Over 300 guests got an exclusive photo with the iconic Coca-Cola truck, enjoyed delicious food from Currabinny and other seasonal food vendors, all while listening to live music performed by Allie Sherlock. All walked away from the evening with magical memories that will last a lifetime.

To find out more about Coca-Cola’s Christmas Festivities download the Coca-Cola App.

Follow the conversation on social @CocaColaEU or #RealMagic.