Stacey Solomon introduces the new member of her family


Stacey Solomon’s family has just gotten a little bit bigger with the addition of their new dog, Teddy.

“Welcome Home Teddy. Last night we rescued a dog. But today I’m not sure who has rescued who,” 31-year-old Stacey lovingly wrote on Instagram alongside a series of adorable snaps.

Speaking about her beloved dog, Theo, who sadly passed away just after Christmas, Stacey said, “We miss you so much Theo. I hope you’re looking down from heaven smiling, knowing that Peanut will no longer be so very lonely and that a doggy who really needed a family now has one. To the moon and back, always”

Opening up about the hard decision to adopt another dog, Stacey explained that their little sausage dog, Peanut, had lost his smile ever since Theo passed away, and that he seemed terribly lonely.

With a heavy heart, Stacey started the process of looking into adopting another friend for Peanut, and went to visit a sweet little doggy on Sunday, to see if he would be a nice fit. 

“So as soon as we got to the wonderful lady looking after this fur baby’s house Peanut was OBSESSED,” Stacey gushed on her Instagram Stories. “His tail wagged more than I’ve seen it was since he was a pup. So we just couldn’t come home without him.”

“As soon as he came home it was like he’d never not been there. He played with Peanut all night and they’ve followed each other round like shadows all day,” Stacey continued.

Touching on the immense guilt she felt at the idea that she might be replacing or forgetting Theo, Stacey brought Teddy and Peanut to see Theo’s grave, in her garden. “I really believe she’d be so so happy to see Peanut wagging his tail again and to know a doggy who needed it has a home with us,” Stacey said.

“Honestly my gut hurts whenever I think about Theo, and I get really teary but I know this was the best decision for our family. And especially for Peanut. Theo would be proud.”

