Star’s mother forbidden from watching daughter’s performance
Watching sex scenes with your parents is awkward enough, but having your parents sit through a sex scene you actually starred in doesn't bear thinking about. Shudder.
The star of upcoming film adaptation Fifty Shades of Grey, Dakota Johnson, has forbidden her mother, actress Melanie Griffith, from watching her performance in the highly anticipated 2015 release.
Despite having told Elle Magazine that she was comfortable filming the sex scenes, saying: “I don’t have any problem doing anything. The secret is I have no shame”, Dakota, who stars as Anastasia Steele in the risqué story, requested that her Oscar-nominated mum might stay home opening weekend to save both their blushes.
When Melanie was asked this week if she would be going to see Fifty Shades on its release, the Golden Globe winner was forced to reply in the negative, saying: “No, I will not be seeing it. Well, because my daughter doesn’t want me too and I don’t think it would be appropriate.”
Melanie is no stranger to a raunchy film role however, having starred in 1980’s flick Body Double so perhaps the pair will have a change of heart closer to the time, although then again, maybe not.