Star’s tweet reveals relationship is officially over
Poor Britney, she just can’t catch a break.
It has been confirmed that the star has broken up with her boyfriend David Lucado after a video surfaced which showed him “making out with a woman and dancing with her”.
Britney confirmed the break-up yesterday with this tweet:
Her representative also confirmed the split saying: “Yes, she’s single.”
We’re so disappointed for Britney, she really seemed to be happy this time around, and often gushed about her beau (who works at a law firm, by the way) on various talk shows:
“I'm in love. I like the fact that [Lucado is] very stubborn and he's stuck in his ways. He's just a simple man. I adore him. He's really funny and he's really passionate. I love the fact that anything he's involved in he's passionate about and it's contagious.”
David is said to still be holding out hope for a reconciliation. A representative said: “David is very, very in love with Britney. This is unfortunate and he hopes that it all works out.”
UNFORTUNATE? Well, that’s one word for it. We can think of a few more too, but instead, we will just add Dave to the long list of Britney’s exes, including:
Justin Timberlake – we’re still not quite over this one
Robbie Carrico (he was in a boy band called Boyz-N-Girlz United)
Jared Leto (Cameron Diaz’s ex, and Cameron was dating Justin at the time… revenge?)
Colin Farrel – the Irish charm!
The guy she married in Vegas, AKA Jason Allen Alexander
Kevin Federline (she married him too)
Adnan Ghalib (a paparazzo, who Britney had to get a restraining order against when it was all over)
Her agent, Jason Trawick. They seemed really good together, but it all ended last year. Perhaps they’ll be reunited now?!