Study reveals which instrument instantly boosts sexiness
This will be music to musicians’ ears.
A new study has found that a guitar can instantly boost a man’s attractiveness.
Yes, according to research carried out in the UK, a staggering 90 per cent of people surveyed admitted that playing the guitar is one of the sexiest qualities a man can possess.
Cue men everywhere banging down the doors of their local music store.
Among the draws of musically gifted men is the belief that they are ‘good with their hands’, while over half of those surveyed said they were attracted to the ‘whole rock star thing’.
According to the survey, carried out by Internet giant eBay, 57 per cent put the guitar player’s pulling power down to the belief that it demonstrates passion and sensitivity.
Those who took part in the survey also named their top guitar songs of all time, with Jimi Hendrix’s classic All Along the Watchtower voted as the top song to be serenaded with.
We definitely get the lure of the guitar player, but what about the drummer?!