Svetlana Wickstrom looks at skincare from another perspective
There are few women in this world who don’t genuinely care about what they look like, and usually that begins with their skin. Whether they have suffered from acne as a youth or are experiencing the premature signs of aging, they want to look their best (and youngest of course!) because that makes them feel better.
Sometimes it isn’t even about the way others perceive them but rather how they want to see themselves. Unfortunately, too few of us truly understand what it takes to have that radiant skin we see on models and our favorite celebs, but believe it or not, you can have that beautiful skin you want but it might take some work and a few well-chosen, anti-aging skincare products.
What Makes a Histotechnician Expert in Skincare?
This is a question you might well ask! To many of us outside the medical arena, this is a term we’ve probably never heard. However, you have heard of a pathology lab and a pathologist, haven’t you? Actually, it is the histotechnician who prepares slices of tissue (biopsies) to be analyzed by a pathologist to determine whether or not it is diseased, and if it is, what the nature of that disease is.
So, while a histotechnician doesn’t actually diagnose diseased tissue, they do spend hours behind a microscope and have learned to identify the leading markers of diseased tissue. So, having said that Svetlana Wickstrom is an experienced histotechnician, you can understand why it’s a big deal that the skincare she prefers and uses is from a small new company called Birdie and Peppers, featuring all-natural products for the entire body.
Leading Causes of Problem Skin
Bringing her knowledge of histotechnology with her to the cosmetics arena, Svetlana knows how to identify damaged skin and is better able to identify the root causes than even the leading estheticians. This is how she knows that many of the problems we experience today are the direct result of unhealthy chemicals and additives to the products we have been using for so many years. Included in this list of taboo ingredients are such things as parabens, fragrance and oils.
Each has its own set of problems but suffice it to say that each of those sets of ingredients can do more damage than good. However, fragrance is something which is altogether too often misunderstood. Not all products that have a fragrance are unhealthy, but those which include the words ‘fragrance’ or ‘scent’ on the label are probably formulated with chemicals mimicking natural scents. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer and oils, well, everyone knows how some oils clog the pores leading to everything from acne to ugly red splotches that become inflamed.
Learning Where to Place Your Trust
So then, who would you entrust with your skincare regimen? Would you rather give your skin over to a member of an $84 billion dollar industry or someone with a medical background who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is? Yes, Svetlana Wickstrom is a member of the cosmetics industry, but she is outspokenly vocal about the dangers of cosmetics as they stand today. Where do you place your trust?