Sweet tooth? Science says sugar could actually be good for the brain
So, as most of us know by now, sugar is pretty much the food devil and we could all benefit from having less of the sweet stuff in our lives.
Studies show that excessive sugar consumption can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease as well as wreak havoc on our pearly whites
However, according to physician, Dr Drew Ramsay, sugar could actually be hugely beneficial for our brain health.
He argues that the molecule is largely 'misunderstood' and even went as far to describe it as a 'miracle.'
“Sugar is vital for your brain health—which is the biggest guzzler of the sweet stuff in your body, FYI,” Dr Ramsay explained.
“Your greatest assets: grit, gifts, creativity…all run on it.”
He explains that the brain requires over 400 calories of glucose per day – though it's up to us to decide where we get it from.
See, not all sugar is created equal, and while our bodies can do little with the type found in processed foods, Dr Ramsay recommends getting your fix from natural sources such as fresh fruit and honey.
What's more, consuming natural sugars and carbohydrates can actually make us happier – (which goes a long way toward explaining our love of Nutella on toast).
While it may not have the greatest reputation in the world of health and wellness, it seems that sugar may not deserve all the bad press.
“There’s a danger to your health -in particular to your brain health – by blanketing sugar as bad for you.”
So, the next time you treat yourself to a chocolate covered biscuit (or two) with your tea, you won't have to feel too bad about it.