Ooooh! Does Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh have a new lady in her life?
Maria Walsh has faced an onslaught of rumours that she is dating Irish TV producer Shauna Keogh after the pair attended the Gossies award show last week.
However, the producer has now revealed that the pair are in fact simply very good friends.
"We've had so many questions asking if Maria and I are together," Shauna told The Irish Sun.
"We know people are interested and these questions aren't going to go away. We knew this was going to come up and people are going to come to the wrong decision, but myself and Maria are just friends and work colleagues.
"Myself and Maria are definitely going to be hanging out at more events together. We're both gay and if the two of us turning up on a red carpet together makes it easier for same sex couples, that's great."
The pair have insisted that they are simply working together on a some upcoming TV projects since the producer has returned from the States where she was working on a number of shows.
However, Shauna had noting but good things to say about the 2014 Rose.
"I think Maria is an amazing, brilliant role model for young people in the LGBT community and she has allowed more young people to come out about their sexuality."