Celebrate? For every €100 an Irish man earns, a woman makes €87*
We can't say that we jumped for joy when it was revealed that in Ireland, for every €100 a man earns, a woman earns a more modest €87.
After all, €13 can go a long way when you need it to.
However, on closer inspection, we don't have it as bad as most. In fact, Ireland ranks among the top five most equal nations in the world – being beaten only by Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden.
At the other end of the scale, Yemen, Pakistan and Syria are the world's most gender divided nations.
The UK is ranked 18th, while American makes it to number 28.
So what makes our Emerald Isle so great for the gals? Well, in Ireland, 55 percent of our university graduates are female.
And a third of senior officials, managers and legislators are women; only Colombia, Fiji and the Philippines perform better in that sphere.
However, in political circles we let ourselves down: a limp 29 percent of government ministers are female.
Created by the BBC and available online here, the How Equal Are You calculator has been released to mark the #100Women campaign, which kicked-off yesterday and runs until December 2.
The World Economic Forum believes it will take another 118 years – or until 2133 – until the global pay gap between men and women is finally closed.